Monday, January 21, 2013

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land - day 8

29 December 2012

Holy Sepulcher - 
Deacon Bentz and I woke up early and went down the the Holy Sepulcher before breakfast.  We got to go right into the Tomb by ourselves for a few moments, then spend a quiet hour at Calvary.  Lord Jesus, open my heart to whatever You wish.  Today will be busy.

Gethsemane - 
Mass, which I offered for my friend Fr. Rich Mastrogiacomo.  The first place we go in Jerusalem is Gethsemane, a place associated with Jesus' suffering and the silence of God, the silence of God right where we most need Him.  Don't be afraid to enter into the silence of God, it was not one of frustration for Jesus, but ultimately confirming His mission, what the Father was asking of Him (Fr. Hurley's homily).

Ascension - 
Jesus has eyes only for the Father.  I believe Lord, help my unbelief.  This was the last place St. Ignatius visited before being kicked out of the Holy Land.

Dominus Flevit - 
Prayed for intentions here today, particularly remembering those who have lost children.  As I was praying I realized that I too must weep with Jesus.  For all those who turn away, who don't know Jesus' love, for all those in trial and suffering.

St. Stephen - 
Praying in the place where St. Stephen was martyred.  Remembering Noel, Kruse, Markman, and Verona when we tried to get to this spot a few years ago together.  Remembering Mandy and my first reach team, and all the Stephens I know:  dad, Fr. Steve, McDonough, Beyer, Kosiewicz, Prisk.  We are flying today, tough for me to recollect with so much input.

St. Anne's church - 
On the via dolorosa, where the leper was cleansed.  weary, lots of running, unrecollected, crazy.  I am tired and scattered.  Lunch with Luxama, Keating, and Bentz.

Gethsemane at Night - 
at 8:30pm we were let into the dark of the Garden of Gethsemane for an hour of prayer:  Non Mea sed Tua volunta.  This is where Peter, James, and John could not stay awake.  This is where Jesus said "pray that you might not undergo the test.  This is where Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss.  I too, when I am tired and overfed am less attentive, responsive and focused.  Benediction in the garden, singing Ubi Caritas - beautiful.
monkeying around next to a 2,00 year old olive tree
Looking at Jerusalem from Dominus Flevit

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