Sunday, January 13, 2008


may you have a blessed close to the Christmas season! today my class and i were instituted as lectors by the Archbishop of Atlanta. we have been given a new role, a new responsibility in the Church and for the Church. we now share the duties of proclaiming the Word of God in a public ministry. here are the words which Archbishop Wilton Gregory said to us as he handed us the Scriptures:

"Take this book of holy Scripture
and be faithful in handing on the word of God,
so that it may grow strong in the hearts of his people."

finals are coming up at the end of the month, so i am preparring for that. it will be a new experience with my whole grade riding on this 10 min oral exam. i will post soon on my trip to Krakow, we are sharing pictures and they haven't gotten back to me yet. blessings and prayers, matt libra

"Provided that we approach the word of God and listen to it as it really is, it brings us into contact with God himself, God speaking to us." Pastores Dabo Vobis 47

1 comment:

Alison said...

Hey, Matt! Is a lector similar to the role of a preacher, but without the responsibility of a pastor? What other things will you be doing once you become a priest?