the crew: (Jeff, Bill "the thrill" Ruelle, Bill "Bobby Hill" Brunner, Phil "the other thrill" Zubrod, Chris Markman, Aaorn Johanneck, and myself). the place: to Krakow, Poland. the time: the 8 days after Christmas (octave of Christmas). the initial reflection: i'm still processing the trip believe it or not. we left after Mass, saw the bugler of Krakow ( at 10pm and went about our business for the ensuing days. by chance, the last night at 10pm the bugler bugled, we came home and by chance Mass was the first thing we were welcomed with right off the bus. the phrases: krakow (pronounced krak-owwww!), interpreting stick figure signs.
left to right: joe mcquaid from wilmington delaware, bill "bobby hill" from green bay wisconson, phil "the other thrill" from fargo north dakota, aaron johanneck from new ulm minnesota, bill "the thrill" from bismark north dakota, jeff eirvin from pdx, my head, john solomon from wilmington delaware. (queen elizabeth and other famous people ate at this restaurant, i got full for 20 sloty = $7.50)
1 - what happens when you have bread in the square
2 - bill the thrill getting glow-sticked on new years eve
3 - the crew plus 2
4 - us after visiting the salt mines in wielyczka (yes i am incredibly strong)
5 - the approach of dusk from Wawel Cathedral looking over Krakow
Oh, its good to see you are still very capable of the pole hang in your old age :P My prayers are with you during finals week and that things are well. Stay Classy.
Hey Old Man,
It looks like you enjoyed your trip to the Krak. I know it was one of Katie's favorite places to visit when she did her semester in Austria.
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