well, now i've finished a full week here in Rome. the thing i like most is the emphasis on faith. the priests here continually challenge us to focus on receiving the love of Jesus in our lives, to know Him, and to love Him with all that we are. this week has had ups and downs, i haven't quite "hit my groove" yet. one of the things i am doing is not taking my camera with me everywhere the first time i go, this helps me to be more present to the moment, to how Jesus is trying to speak to me rather than collecting up a bunch of events that i can say i did. this helps me to grow in faith rather than in pride and self importance. 
it has been hot here, i don't sleep well during the night, but i noticed that everyone in Rome has a little wet spot on the front of their shirt when we walk around. there are all us fat guys sweating like pigs, but everyone has this little wet spot, then i realized: their bellybuttons are filling up with sweat and then their shirt soaks it up- its pretty funny and very human.
this week i got the opportunity to visit the beach where the US troops landed to take back italy from the nazi's in ww2. we celebrated Mass (on american soil) at a cemetary dedicated to those who gave their lives for our freedom. some of the memorial crosses were inscribed "here lies an honorable commrade in arms, known to God alone" it was moving also to see a carving of Mary holding a dead US service member in her arms, carring him to heaven. language classes started again, they are...good for us. today i took some time to walk around Rome. here are some pictures for you:
1,2) the pantheon outside and in (it is a perfect circle, a temple to "all the gods" that was converted into a Catholic Church)
3)the Roman Forum
ps - here is my school route: walk down the hill to historic Rome, find pantheon. go to the palace of Vitor Emanuale (near 1st century forum and colesseum). find Trajan's Column, go past it, arrive at Angelicum (near St. Mary Major). about 40-45min walk. i hope you are all well, please keep praying for me and let me know if you have a particular place you would like me to pray for you at.
So you're one of the fat guys? :)
HAHA, that reminds me the the good peperoni at Paddingtons that cups the grease, mmm. Speaking of pizza, how is it in Italy?
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