Saturday, March 1, 2008


this last week i have been sick with some version of the flu. i slept for about 21 hours one day and then exhausted myself the next day taking 6hrs to do one load of laundry. i can't believe how weak and fragile i really am, i'd rather not think that. i'm still trying to recoop but i wanted to put up pics from Lourdes for you.
Lourdes: 150th anniversary

one travel book for france in general read: if you are not looking for a spiritual experience, Lourdes is best to be avoided. that sobered us up sufficiently. from the moment we got there till the day we left we were not lacking in blessings or "chance encounters" that the Lord provided. Mary too was very gracious. She shows the simple way of Love. never did she study theology and nowhere is it recorded amazing teachings about her Son that she gave; yet she always marks the way to Christ, she always points towards Him, is always following Him. "do whatever He tells you"
next time i will recount a few stories: about Lourdes and the apparitions to St. Bernedette, about the spring, about the baths, about what Mary revealed her name at Lourdes, and about my last morning there. please pray for conviction of sin, which is necessary for conversion.
1 - the only 2 flowers on the riverbank
2 - sunrise from the convent where we stayed
3 - entrance view to the shrine
4 - the basilica built where Mary asked right on top of the grotto
5 - the grotto where Mary appeared to Bernedette Suborious in 1858.
6 - Paul Kolker (Dallas), Laura who we met there, and me at the grotto at night (freezing)

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