St. Bernedette and the apparitions of Lourdes: in 1858, a young, frail, french girl from a poor family went out to gather firewood with her sister and a friend. that night Mary appeared to St. Bernedette. from february 11th until the 16th of july, Mary would appear to St. Bernedette 18 times. now these visions are "private revelation" which means they do not have to be believed for salvation, but nonetheless are approved by the Church as a way of recognizing God's love and care for us now in our daily lives. The main message that Mary brought to Bernedette was penance: "penance! penance! penance! pray for the conversion of sinners! kiss the earth for the conversion of sinners" (appriation of 24 feb).

the thing that strikes me about the whole shrine and the stories is the humble simplicity of it all. there is nothing fanciful about Bernedette or how Mary appeared there, it is all about following and loving Jesus. Letting His love penetrate our hardness and the way we expect Him to be/work in us/love and responding to that love is the beauty of the place for me.
the Spring:
at one of the appiritions Mary told Bernedette to go and drink and wash at a spring. there was no spring there but Mary indicated a spot, Bernedette dug, and miraculously a spring appeared. from these waters many people have been healed of all kinds of illnesses and sicknesses at Lourdes. while i was there it was explained to me like this:
as you look at the grotto, you will notice that Mary is not at the center. this is because Mary does not seek her own glory, but she is always about the will of her Son, she always indicates the way to Him. the spring is like Jesus' Sacred Heart, Mary stands nearby pointing the way so that all might come to Him and drink of His love.
Mary reveals her name:
the priests told Bernedette to validate these appiritions and messages by telling the name of "the lady" who was in the visions. Bernedette didn't know her name. one priest said "you expect us to believe this from a 14 year old girl with little catechism. to which Bernedette responded "i was not sent to make you believe but to tell you" finally on the 25th of March Mary revealed her name to Bernedette when she appeared: "i am the Immaculate Conception". this name is not something that Mary took for herself for her own glory, but even in her name she attests to her Son. by accepting the title Immaculate Conception Mary testifies that not even the "impossible" (that a human could be conceived without sin), is out of the reach of God. God can do anything, Mary receives this title in witness to what God has done for her.

my last morning there:
it was the anniversary of the 2nd apprition. i wanted to wake up early and pray at the grotto before the hustle and bustle started. i woke up early, packed up and headed downstairs. however, the door was locked--you could only open the outside door with a key that i didn't have. i was bummed. i offered a prayer: "Lord, these were my plans for this morning, but if You have other plans help me to be open to them" i sat down in the parlor and as i was pulling out my breviary to pray i said to Mary that if she wanted me to pray at her grotto then she would have to interceede for me. i offered up all my intentions for those who asked for my prayers and those who i promised to pray for while i was there. i called to mind each person that i could. just as i was about to open my breviary, the door opened: the bread man came to drop of the daily bread for the sisters. i think i scared him as i sprang to the door. i started down to the grotto and prayed the angelus as the bells chimed.

when i got to the grotto there was hardly anyone there, so i got to go right up to the altar near the spring and got to interceede for you through a rosary. i was particularly struck by the mystery of Jesus turning the water into wine. just as i finished the rosary in the calm and quiet of the morning, an italian man who i met the day before came to say goodbye to me. as he left he pointed out to me a spot right next to where i had been: the place where John Paul II prayed when he came to Lourdes. and so as i pulled out my breviary i got to pray the prayer of the Church, for the Church, on the same spot John Paul II prayed for the Church. just as i finished morning prayer the bell rung and Mass was beginning in the grotto. as i took my seat a few feet back the Word of God was being proclaimed just as the sun was breaking over the hills; Light came flooding in. it was a beautiful morning.
there is much more to tell you, but i haven't the ability or the time. i hope you are able to find a good book on Bernedette and the opportunity to go to Lourdes one day yourself.
1 - one of my favorite spots: in the sun across the river from the grotto
2 - front of the "lower cathedral" Our Lady of the Rosary
3 - candlelight procession on the vigil of the 1st appirition
4 - cathedral at night
5 - the grotto at night (note how unshakey i can be at 0 degrees celsius)