happy feast of the Immaculate Conception! today 2 cardinals celbrated Mass with us on this special feast as the Immaculate Conception is the patron of our college. we had a huge pranzo (lunch) for which i was a server; i dropped the plate of ravioli and splattered it all over. being only 10 ft. from the head table, i was a little embarrassed, but then again, it reminded me that i have much to learn about serving well. it has been a busy week, so i'll hit the highlights for you.
-our NAC soccer team is now 2-0 in the "clericus cup" tournament with the other religious schools here in rome. at the last game Jeff tied the game with a header and in the last 2 min we scored again to win the game.
-new updated blog which has my address and phone number for your quick access if you ever want it, hope you like it.
-went to the Papal "Wednesday Audience" with the soccer team. the Pope gave us a blessing for us and all our family and friends back home, so you all are sharing in his Apostolic Blessing.
-the Popes new encyclical came out: "Spe Salvi" (by hope we are saved). you can wait to buy it, or download it for free from the vatican [http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/benedict_xvi/encyclicals/documents/hf_ben-xvi_enc_20071130_spe-salvi_en.html]. its around 30 pages in ms word. i am 1/3 of the way through and it is good so far. if you make the investment of 5 pages per night you'll finish in a week and you'll give your faith a good chance to grow. its time for evening prayer with the community so i got to run, but i did want to share one more thing...
-insight of the week: God gives Himself fully, He doesn't take back His gifts depending on our behavior.
He wanted even to give His own Self to us, He became incarnate, to show Himself to us. i was amazed at this total commitment, that He would give, even when He would "loose out" on us. He gave Himself to be with me so fully that He gave Himself up to death so that i might be with Him. the cross and the Eucharist came quickly to mind, i hope i can be quiet now and listen. please pray for me, my family, and the other guys here, pray that we might encounter Jesus ever fuller. happy Advent, may the joy of Jesus touch your hearts as you wait for Him with anticipation.
more pictures from Siena:
1 - a lighter moment at the town square
2 - the "duomo" cathedral at night
3 - the duomo during the day
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