Monday, March 4, 2013


4 March 2013

"It is a time for silence, a time for prayer" - remembering the words of my university president on 11 February when the now, His Holiness Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI announced the end of his pontificate.

On 28 Feb he flew over our college twice.  We were all on the roof waving good bye.  The last words of his pontificate came from Castel Gondolfo, and now we are sede vacante - "empty seat" - Popeless.  

The Cardinals from the US are all here now.  The press is out en masse.  It is a time for silence, a time for prayer.

Please join us in praying for the Cardinals and the Church as they elect the next Pope.  We are praying this prayer together every day, I'd be glad if you joined us with your holy prayers.

A Novena Prayer
for the Election of the Supreme Pontiff

Lord Jesus Christ,
you who have established your Church
on the solid foundation of the Apostle Peter
and have promised to remain with us
until the end of time,
grant we beseech you
that we may all be steadfast in faith
and filled with zeal for the glory of your Name.
We humbly ask that you grant
to the College of Cardinals
the Spirit of Truth that they may know your will,
and acting in courage and faith,
may elect as Supreme Pontiff
him whom you have chosen to be
Chief Shepherd of your flock
Successor of Peter, Bishop of Rome,
and Servant of the Servants of God.
Grant to us a Pope who will teach and guide
by word and example so that
together with the flock entrusted
to his care
he may arrive at eternal life in your Kingdom
where you live and reign
with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.


Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for us.

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