Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Pope Benedict XVI's announcement

11 February 2013 - Our Lady of Lourdes

As I was finishing my first class day of my last semester, the Pope said this (video):

The President of the JP2 Institute, Mons. Livio Melina, came in and announced to us that Pope Benedict XVI had just abrogated his office effective 28 Feb 2013.  We were stunned.    Through his tears he told us that this is a time of silence, a time not to have many talks and chats, but a time to pray.  He asked each of us to offer all our work and our study for the Pope and the Church.  We need to pray and work hard.

Fr. Strand and I went to the Pope's Cathedral, St. John Lateran, where we study.  We knelt and prayed before the chair, asking for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, praying for the good of the Pope and the Church.  I don't understand this very well.

We walked to St. Peter's, to pray in the square.  Maybe its like it was when Blessed John XXIII announced Vatican II (3:16 and following).  We were quiet there and prayed separately.  There was no one there.  I prayed a rosary facing the Pope's apartment, at times glancing over to St. Peter's Basilica. I still don't understand, but during that time I felt peace and no fear.  I was filled with Hope and confidence.  I trust and love the Holy Spirit.  I trust and love the Church.  I trust and love Pope Benedict XVI.  

Though I feel sadness and still don't understand, I realized:  here I am with my greatest opportunity to be in solidarity with the Pope, the reason I was sent here.  So I will offer up my studies and labors for the Pope and the Church.  I will pray.  I will be silent.  I will look for what God has for us in all this.  O God, that you entrust such times to us!

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