visit of the Holy Father
Pope Benedict XVI is now in the United States, and even though you may not be able to be near him physicially i hope that his visit heartens you spiritually, reviving your spiritual life and fervor. for me personally, he is a tremendous man, faithful, and fixed steadfastly on the Lord. i am convinced he wants this for each of us: encounter with Christ. it is his mission and it is what he does. so far i have read/watched all of his homilies/speeches and have found them very poignant for those who wish to live the authentic Christian life. you might be able to find youtube clips of him, but here is an address where you can read what he said: President Bush's welcome speech i found very humble and honest and moving. i hope that you will be willing to make the sacrifice of time to read them and ponder on what he has to say to you as Jesus' messenger. in his video message he said: "It is God who saves us, he saves the world, and all of history. He is the Shepherd of his people. I am coming, sent by Jesus Christ, to bring you his word of life." you all have my most fervent prayers, and my heartfelt love.
1 comment:
Hey Matt,
I just finished reading the Holy Father's address to the questions posed by the American Bishops. It was awesome. I know I am way behind in reading what he said while he was over here, but I am working on it.
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