Sunday, October 28, 2007

Sunday in ordinary time

it was an ordianry Sunday, not much unlike any other Sunday, but just a little different from other Sundays. it is a free weekend and i decided not to go anywhere, but to stay put and enjoy a low key weekend and maybe get some reading done. after getting a good nights sleep after the beloved "fall-back" time change, i woke up, got ready, and went for a cornetto in the refectory. i wanted to take my prayer time at St. Peter's this morning so i brought my stuff to break my fast. one of the guys suggested going to Mass with him at St. Peter's at 10am, and since i wanted to go anyway i said sure- and thus we went.

leaving at 30 tics after the stroke of 7 we strode toward the collonade. there was a line. we waited in that line. the line began to slowly sway and eventually started trickling forward, we entered through the collonades and made our way through the square and found us some seats in prime position. my friends, we attended the beatification Mass of 498 martyrs from the Spanish civil war last century. these priests, bishops, nuns, mothers, fathers, and children were all sought out and killed not because of a partisan or organizational affiliation, but solely because they were Catholic. they did not recant their faith. they died. now they receive their reward. after the Mass with the cardinal, the Pope blessed us all at the angelus. its now 1pm. it is a good day. for just and Sunday in ordinary time, there sure are lots of special graces that i get to share in. one of these days i hope to be able to realize what is going on around me, rather than live life as though it were only ordinary.

1 - some of the people at the Mass
2 - a beautiful sky i saw the other morning (the pic does not do justice to the colors there were)
3 - part of the choir at the deacon ordination Mass at the beginning of the month

1 comment:

kate said...

matt, is that you right up front?